Riga United Ladies


27 / 05 / 2018 14:00

Riga United FC


06 / 06 / 2018 20:00

Riga United Foundation / Riga United Kopiena

Riga United is a football club which has a number of core values upon which it both lives and breathes. These include being an all-inclusive club where both Latvians and non-Latvians of every denomination and ethnicity can meet and be united for one united club. Additionally, we are against any form of prejudice, discrimination and violence, whilst embracing the key value of tolerance. Another important facet of the club is to maintain and uphold a social conscience, supporting those less fortunate than ourselves.

To that end and in order to truly live these values, in 2014 the club set up an initiative called United In The Community. The context of the word community is two-fold: the community of Riga and its surrounding areas together with the worldwide footballing community as a whole. The key aim of this initiative is to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves, both from a financial aspect as well as from a viewpoint of having opportunities that many of us may take for granted.

The project, which is supported by the Riga United board, provides the chance for under-privileged children of Riga to join the Riga United academy through means of sponsorship.  

What exactly do we want to achieve?

As well as providing football coaching opportunities, we hope that these children will be able to create friendships with international children and enjoy being included in a very special environment. Under-privileged children are enrolled in Riga United’s youth football academy. They are fully integrated with other children from various countries and ethnic backgrounds. Finance is often a barrier for such children to have this opportunity, both in terms of the cost of the football kit itself combined with academy membership fees. By gaining sponsorship which covers the costs of such an intake of these children, they are being given an opportunity that was previously being denied to them. There are numerous other side-effects including but not limited to:

  1. improving their linguistic skills – with over 30 nationalities represented at the club, it is inevitable that these skills will be enhanced.

  2. Improving their social skills – having often been limited to a narrow social spectrum, the ethnic blend of their social circle will be changed beyond recognition. They play football and socialize with children from all beliefs and backgrounds which can only be a positive thing.

  3. Improving their football skills – with the club employing UEFA-qualified coaches, the quality of this coaching is of a very high standard

  4. Improving their fitness – in the age of computer games and record obesity levels, the academy provides an opportunity for children to play football three days per week

Further details: info@rigaunited.com


Riga United ir futbola klubs, kuram ir vairākas pamatvērtības, uz kurām tas gan dzīvo un elpo. Klubā pieņemti tiek visi- gan latvieši, gan cittautieši, kuri var satikties un būt vienoti klubā. Mēs esam pret jebkāda veida aizspriedumiem, diskrimināciju un vardarbību, vienlaikus aptverot galveno vērtību toleranci. Vēl viens svarīgs aspekts kluba ir saglabāt un uzturēt sociālo sirdsapziņu, atbalstot tos kam mazāk paveicies, nekā mums.

Šim nolūkam, 2014. gadā klubs izveidoja iniciatīvu- United kopiena. Konteksts vārdam kopiena ir divējāds: kopiena Rīgā un tās apkārtnē kopā ar pasaules futbola sabiedrību kopumā. Galvenais iniciatīvas mērķis ir palīdzēt tiem, kuriem ir mazāk paveicies, nekā mums, gan no finansiālā aspekta, gan arī lietām, kas daudziem no mums šķiet pašsaprotamas.

Projekts, kuru atbalsta Riga United valde, nodrošina iespēju nabadzīgiem bērniem no Rīgas pievienoties Riga United akadēmijai caur sponsorēšanu.




Ko tieši mēs vēlamies sasniegt?

Neskaitot futbola treniņu iespējas, mēs ceram, ka šie bērni varēs veidot draudzību ar starptautiskajiem bērniem un baudīt ļoti īpašu vidi. Nepriviliģētie bērni tiek uzņemti Riga United jauniešu futbola akadēmija. Viņi tiek pilnībā integrēti ar citiem bērniem no dažādām valstīm un etnisko izcelsmi. Financiālas problēmas bieži ir šķērslis, lai šādi bērni spētu segt izmaksas par futbola ekipējumu un treniņu izmaksām. Iegūstot sponsorēšanu, bērniem tiek dota iespēja, kas iepriekš tika liegta. Citas pozitīvas iespējas iekļauj:

  • Uzlabot savas valodu prasmes - ar vairāk nekā 30 tautību pārstāvēto klubu. Tas ir neizbēgami, ka šīs prasmes tiks uzlabotas.


  • Uzlabot savas sociālās prasmes – etniskais sajaukums izmainīs bērnu sociālo loku līdz nepazīšanai. Bērni spēlēs futbolu un socializēsies ar bērniem no dažādām ticībām un kultūrām, kas būs pozitīva ietekme.


  • Uzlabot savas futbola prasmes pie UEFA kvalificētiem treneriem, kuru prasmes ir ļoti augstā līmenī.


  • Uzlabot veselību- datorspēļu gadsimtā, kad aptaukošanās līmenis ir rekordaugsts, akadēmija piedāvā iespēju bērniem spēlēt futbolu trīs dienas nedēļā.


Sīkāka informācija: info@rigaunited.com