Under-16 Girls
United under-16 girls was created in 2014. The team was previously
coached by Academy head Jeffrey Young and then by Latvian
international and Riga United Ladies Assistant Coach Ieva
Bidermane. As of autumn 2015, there is now a close link between the
U16 girls and the Riga United Ladies team, with some academy girls
invited to train with the senior team. The core of the U16 team
will play for Riga United Ladies 'C' team in the 2016 national
futsal league tournament. It is hoped that the majority of our
academy girls will play for the Riga United Reserve team in
national competition in 2016, with one or two players perhaps
breaking into the senior team, which plays in the SFL. The U16 team
is now coached and managed by Liene Vaciete.
Riga United Under-16 meiteņu komanda tika izveidota 2014. gadā. Komandu iepriekš trenēja Džefrijs Jangs un vēlāk Rīgas United Ladies trenera asistente Ieva Bidermane. Kopš 2015. gada rudens, nodibināta cieša saikne starp Under-16 meiteņu un Rīgas United Ladies komandām. Dažas no Under-16 futbolistēm ir uzaicinātas trenēties Riga United Ladies pieaugušo komandā. Iespējams, ka lielākā daļa no mūsu akadēmijas meitenēm spēlē par Rīgas United Ladies rezerves komandā, nacionāla līmeņa sacensībās 2016. gadā. Iespējams, ka dažas no akadēmijas audzeknēm debitēs arī Riga United Ladies pieaugušo komandā.
Coach Profile
Head coach of the under-16
girls is Liene Vaciete. Liene is a qualified coach
who has played abroad in America. She plays for the Latvian
national team as well as Riga United Ladies, and is the best known
female footballer in Latvia.
Galvenā trenere Under-16 meitenēm ir Liene Vāciete. Liene ir kvalificēta trenere, kura ir spēlējusi ASV. Viņa spēlē Latvijas nacionālajā izlasē, kā arī Riga United Ladies komandā. Liene ir vislabāk pazīstamā sieviešu futboliste Latvijā.
Are you interested in your child joining Riga United
under-16 girls?
For more details:
info@rigaunited.com; 2869 4224; 2208 4613
Vai jūs interesē, lai jūsu bērns pievienotos Riga United Under-16 meiteņu komandai?
Sīkāka informācija: info@rigaunited.com; 2869 4224; 2208 4613