Under-10 Team
United under-10 team is the perfect group for young, developing
footballers and a fun and enjoyable introduction to the game for
many kids. At this age level, the priority is to create an
environment where the children get plenty of touches, dribbles and
shots, so that they can develop their individual technique in a
positive environment. Riga United believes that it is essential our
coaches create an atmosphere where our young players can make new
friends, have fun and learn how to play the game to their best
Riga United U-10 komanda ir lieliska grupa jauniešiem, kurā attīstīt futbola prasmes un jautri pavadīt laiku ar daudziem citiem bērniem. Šajā vecuma prioritāte ir radīt vidi, kurā bērni daudz pieskaras bumbai, driblē un uzlabo sitiena prasmi. Riga United uzskata, ka ir svarīgi mūsu treneriem radīt atmosfēru, kurā mūsu jaunie spēlētāji var iegūt jaunus draugus un mācīties, kā spēlēt spēli.
Coach profile
Zalitis is a qualified coach with several years experience
coaching children. As a footballer he plays in the Latvian Second
Division for FK Traktors. Arturs is fluent in Latvian, English and
Russian and is renowned for always having a smile on his face.
Arturs Zālītis ir kvalificēts treneris ar vairāku gadu pieredzi trenējot bērnus. Kā futbolists viņš spēlē Latvijas Otrā divīzijas klubā FK Traktors. Arturs brīvi pārvalda latviešu, angļu un krievu valodas un ir pazīstams ar to, ka viņam sejā vienmēr ir smaids.
Are you interested in your child joining Riga United
under-10 team?
For more details: info@rigaunited.com; 2869 4224; 2208 4613
Vai jūs interesē, lai jūsu bērns pievienotos Riga United Under-10?
Sīkāka informācija: info@rigaunited.com; 2869 4224; 2208 4613